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Poison Ivy and Everything Else

Linda treated me for Poison Ivy after I tried everything to stop it from spreading and to end the itchiness–calamine lotion, Benedryl, wrapping the blisters in ice.  After a week of sleepless nights, constant itchiness, and the continual encroachment of the rash that spread faster than bittersweet vine in an untended forest, I considered going to the emergency room.  I looked up the treatment for poison ivy and saw that the western solution was a shot of steroids and more calamine lotion.

            In desperation, I called Linda.  I didn’t even know that Poison Ivy could be treated with acupuncture.  But when I called Linda she said, as she always does, come over right now.  She treated me with acupuncture and with a Chinese herbal lotion and immediately the itching stopped.  In a day or two the rash went away.  The fact that Linda could make the rash go away so quickly, when I had suffered for a week, was unbelievable.

            I don’t know why I was surprised.  I originally contacted Linda to work on my lower back, and over the next ten years, she treated me for allergies, menstrual cramps, stress, fatigue, and TMJ.  She prepped me for two surgeries, and in both cases my recovery time would have been much longer without her.  But it wasn’t just physical maladies that Linda addressed. Over time, I began to see that a seasonal “tune up” was something that would keep me healthy in the long term; I saw the benefits of acupuncture and Chinese herbal remedies as a way to maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout my life.

            Linda’s knowledge of acupuncture and Chinese medicine is without parallel.  I believe that her extensive professional education and training, and her vast practical experience, have equipped her with the skills necessary to treat any condition.  But aside from her knowledge, and this is vast, what makes Linda a truly phenomenal health care professional is the attention and care she extends to each and every patient.  For example, in ten years, I have never once called Linda with a problem, such as throwing my back out, when she hasn’t immediately made time to see me that day.  I don’t know anyone else who does that.  She is compassionate and sympathetic and she believes so firmly in her client’s health that she always works out a payment plan when life’s situations change, such as when I lost my job a few years ago and hadn’t yet found another one.

            I have recommended Linda to my family and friends and to many people who suffer from things that they do not think can be helped by acupuncture.  What amazes me now is when people don’t go for treatment.  Acupuncture is painless and relaxing and by the end of a treatment suffering is always relieved.  Linda Robinson-Hidas is, quite simply, the best.  We are lucky to have her here in the Valley.  Go see her.  It will change your life.

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